Name”G Leo Huang
Position”G Professor of Graduate Institute
of Tourism Management
Telephone”G +886-37-651-188
Fax”G 037-651399
Address”G No. 168, Hsueh-fu Rd., Tan-wen Village, Chao-Chiao Township, Miao-Li County, 36143 Taiwan, R.O.C (Office318)

Education”G ”DChi-Yuan Elementary School in Taipei (1972/09-1978/06)
”DNan-Men Junior High School in Taipei (1978/09-1981/06)
”DChung-Cheng Senior High School in Taipei (1981/09-1984/06)
”DChinese Culture University, Department of Tourism, in Taipei
”DBachelor Degree (1984/09-1988/06)
”DROC Military Service, Lieutenant Position (1988/10-1990/05)
”DChinese Culture University, Graduate School of Tourism, in Taipei
”@Master Degree (1991/09-1993/06)
”DHawaii Pacific University, MBA, Travel Industry Management
”@Program, in Hawaii USA, Government Scholarship (1995/03-1995/12)
”DNational Sun Yat-Sen University, College of Management, Ph. D.

Work Experiences”G ”DRitz Hotel in Taipei, F&B Department, Paris 1930 Bus Boy
”DRitz Hotel in Taipei, Housekeeping Department, Trainee
”DKentucky Fried Chicken in Taipei, Staff
”DNight Auditor of the Majestic Hotel in Taipei
”DTour Manager of Phoenix Tour in Taipei
”DAssistant Manager, Manager of Lion Travel Company in Taipei
”DLocal Guide of Dragon Tour in Hawaii USA
”DTour Manager of Lion Travel Company in Taipei
”DLecturer, The R. O. C. Association of Tour Managers
”DLecturer, Travel Quality Assurance Association, R.O.C.
”DInstructor, Department of Travel Management in NKHC
”DLecturer, National Civil Service Institute
”DDirector of Travel Management in NKHC
”DDirector of Air & Transportation Service Management in NKHC
”DDirector of Graduate Institute of Travel & Tourism Management
”DDean of General Affairs in NKHC
”DDean of School of Tourism in NKUHT
”DVice President of NKUHT

Since”G since Feb. 1, 1996

Research Fields”G ”DTravel Agencies Business Management
”DThe Practice of Tour Manager and Tour Guide
”DTour Design and Planning
”DElectronic Commerce Business Strategy of Travel Industry
”DQuality Management of Travel Industry
”DMarketing Alliance Strategies of Travel Industry
”DSenior traveler Behavior in Taiwan
”DReal Option applied in Travel Industry

Teaching Course”G ”DTourism Management Case Studies
”DTour Manager English
”DThe Practice of Tour Manager and Tour Guide
”DSelling Skills of Travel Industry Products
”DIntroduction to Tourism
”DIntroduction to Hospitality Industry
”DIntroduction to Leisure and Recreation
”DOn Tour Skills of International Tour Manager
”DTravel & Tourism Management

License”G ”DThe ROC of Tour Manager
”DThe ROC of Travel Agency Manager

Publication”G Journal
1. Huang, L. 1997. Marketing Alliance Strategies in Taiwan's Travel
”@”@Industry, Journal of Tourism Studies”A3(1), 43-57.
2. Huang, L. 1998. The Study of the Development of Travel Agencies'
”@”@Human Resource Management Information System in Taiwan. Journal of
”@”@National Kaohsiung Hospitality College, 1, 175-190.
3. Tsai, H.T., and Huang, L. 2001. A Study of Implementing Travel
”@”@Agent”@'”@s E-Commerce Models Strategy, Journal of Commercial
”@”@Modernization, 2(3), 38-47.
4. Tsai, H.T., Yung, J.C., and Huang, L. 2001. An Exploratory Study on
”@”@Travel Agent's E-Commerce Strategies, Journal of Tourism Studies”A
”@”@7(1), 47-66.
5. Huang, L., and Tsai, H. T. 2002. The Study of Travel Consumer
”@”@Behavior of the Mature Market, Tourism Management Research, 2(1),
6. Tsai, H.T., and Huang, L. 2002. An Empirical Study on Travel
”@”@Agencies" Adopting E-Commerce Business Strategies, Journal of
”@”@Tourism Studies, 8(2), 87-100.
7. Huang, L., Wei, D., Tsai, H.T., and Kuo, T. 2002. A Study in
”@”@Adopting Six Sigma to Build up Hotel Industry Competitive
”@”@Advantages, Journal of Commercial Modernization, 2(4), 135-142.
8. Huang, L., and Tsai, H.T. 2003. The study of senior traveler
”@”@behavior in Taiwan. Tourism Management, 24(5), 561-574.”iSSCI”j
”@”@Corresponding Author
9. Tsai, H.T., Lin, C.G., and Huang, L. 2003. A Study of the Option
”@”@Pricing Method in the Agency Problem Between Airlines and Travel
”@”@Agents. Journal of Air Transport Management, 10(2), 151-160
”@”@”iSSCI”jCorresponding Author
10. Chen, K.H., Huang, L., and Wu, M.C. 2004. The Analysis of Revenues
”@”@for Websites of Taiwanese Hotel Industry. Journal of Tourism
”@”@Studies, 10(4), 39-54.
11. Tsai, H.T., Huang, L., and Lin, C.G. 2005. Emerging E-Commerce
”@”@Development Model for Taiwanese Travel Agencies. Tourism
”@”@Management, 26(5), 787-796.”iSSCI”jCorresponding Author
12. Chen, K. H., and Huang, L. 2005. Optimal Plan for Salesmen's
”@”@Salary and Compensation Packages in Travel Agencies. Journal of
”@”@Outdoor Recreation Study, 18(4), 71-94. ”iRecorded in TSSCI”j
”@”@Corresponding Author
13. Chen, K. H., and Huang, L. 2005. The Analysis and Construction of
”@”@Business Models on the Internet for Leisure Farm Business. Journal
”@”@of Tourism and Health Science, 4(1), 65-88. Corresponding Author
14. Huang, L. 2006. Rural Tourism Revitalisation of the Leisure Farm
”@”@Industry by Implementing an E-Commerce Strategy. Journal of
”@”@Vacation Marketing, 12(3), 232-245. ”iRecorded in ABI”j
15. Huang, L., and Lin, C.G. 2006. An Option Pricing Approach for
”@”@Evaluating Agency Problems with Jump Risks between Travel Agents
”@”@and Airlines. Tourism Economics, 12(3), 383-401
”@”@”iRecorded in EconLit”jCorresponding Author”£NSC93-2416-H-328-004”¤
16. Huang, L. 2006. Building up a B2B E-Commerce strategic alliance
”@”@model under an uncertain environment for Taiwan's travel agencies.
”@”@Tourism Management, 27(6), 1308-1320.”iSSCI”j
”@”@(Impact Factor=0.856 in 2006)
17. Huang, L. 2008. Exploring the Determinants of E-Loyalty among
”@”@Travel Agencies. Service Industries Journal, 28(2), 239-254.
”@”@”iRecorded in SSCI”j (Impact Factor: 0.452 in 2008)
18. Huang, L. 2008. Bed and Breakfast Industry Adopting E-Commerce
”@”@Strategies in E-Service. Service Industries Journal, 28(5),
”@”@633-648. ”iRecorded in SSCI”j (Impact Factor: 0.452 in 2008)
19. Huang, L. 2008. Strategic Orientation and Performance Measurement
”@”@Model in Taiwan Travel Agencies. Service Industries Journal,
”@”@28(10), 1357-1383.”iRecorded in SSCI”j
”@”@(Impact Factor: 0.452 in 2008)
20. Huang, L., Chen, K. H., & Wu, Y. W. 2009. What Kind of Marketing
”@”@Distribution Mix Can Maximize Revenues: The Wholesaler Travel
”@”@Agencies' Perspective? Tourism Management, 30(5), 733-739.
”@”@”iRecorded in SSCI”jCorresponding Author
”@”@(Impact Factor=1.882 in 2009)
21. Huang, L., Yung, C.Y., & Yang, E. 2011. How do Travel Agencies
”@”@Obtain a Competitive Advantage by Travel Blog Marketing Channel.
”@”@Journal of Vacation Marketing,17(2), 139-149. Corresponding Author
”@”@”iRecorded in ABI”j(NSC98-2410-H-328-006-MY2)
22. Huang, L., & Kao, P. H. 2011 How to Tell a Good Tour Guide under
”@”@Different Strategic Orientations. African Journal of Business
”@”@Management, 5(27), 11146-11162. Corresponding Author
”@”@”iRecorded in SSCI”j
23. Huang, L. 2012. Social Media as a New Play in a Marketing Channel
”@”@Strategy: Evidence from Taiwan Travel Agencies' Blogs. Asia
”@”@Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 17(6), 615-634.
”@”@(Impact Factor=0.359 in 2012) ”iRecorded in SSCI”j
24. Huang, L. 2013. Building a Barrier-to-imitation Strategy Model in
”@”@the Travel Agency Industry. Current Issues in Tourism, 16(4),
”@”@313-326 (Impact Factor=0.958 in 2013)”iRecorded in SSCI”j
25. Huang, L., & Chuang, C. M. 2013. The development of an optimal
”@”@multi-channel strategy model for travel agencies' tourism business
”@”@excellence. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 30(7), 732-753.
”@”@(Impact Factor=0.695 in 2013)”iRecorded in SSCI”j
1.Huang, L., and Tsai, H.T. 2001. An Exploratory Study on Travel
”@”@Agent's E-Commerce Strategies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
”@”@China, Hong Kong, Taiwan Ph. D. Student Workshop.
2. Huang, L., and Tsai, H.T. 2001. A Study of Implementing Travel
”@”@Agent”@'”@s E-Commerce Models Strategy, The Second Tourism &
”@”@Travel E-Learning Conference in Taiwan, pp32-50.
3. Huang, L., and Tsai, H.T. 2001. The study of senior traveler
”@”@behavior in Taiwan, 21 century Tourism Academy Development
”@”@Conference, pp168-184.
4. Huang, L., Tsai, H.T., and Kuo, T. 2002. A Study in Adopting Six
”@”@Sigma to Build up Hotel Industry Competitive Advantages, The
”@”@Chinese Society for Quality 2002 Conference.
5. Lin, C.G., and Huang, L. 2003. Option Pricing Method Application in
”@”@the Analysis of Agency Problem between Airlines and Travel
”@”@Agencies. The Asian FA/TFA/FMA 2003 Conference in Taipei, Taiwan,
6. Lin, C.G., and Huang, L. 2003. An Option Pricing Model to Value the
”@”@Agency Cost between Airlines and Travel Agencies. The Third
”@”@International Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Economics
”@”@and Finance, Cary, North Carolina, USA.
7. Tsai, H.T., and Huang, L. 2004. Emerging E-Commerce Development
”@”@Model for Taiwanese Travel Agencies. The Second Workshop on
”@”@Knowledge Economy and Electronic Commerce conference in Taiwan,
”@”@Pin-Tong. Corresponding Author
8. Huang, L., and Lin, C.G. 2004. An Option Pricing Approach for
”@”@Evaluating Agency Problems with Jump Risks between Travel Agents
”@”@and Airlines. The First Workshop on Innovation and Management
”@”@Conference in Taiwan, Taipei.
9. Huang, L. 2005. A Study of a Strategic Alliance Model in Taiwan's
”@”@Small-and Medium Sized Hotel Industry. 2005 The Republic of China
”@”@Commercial Logistics Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Conference
”@”@Proceedings, pp27-51. (ISBN: 986-00-2570-3)
10. Huang, L. 2005. Sustainable Rural Tourism Revitalisation of the
”@”@Leisure Farm Industry by Implementing an E-Commerce Strategy. The
”@”@2nd International Symposium on Rural Tourism and Hospitality
”@”@Cultures, Rovaniemi, FINLAND. (Session Chairman and Panel
11. Huang, L. 2005. A Longitudinal Study of Taiwan's Bed and Breakfast
”@”@Industry Adopting E-Commerce Strategies in Agricultural Tourism.
”@”@International Conference on Tourism and Hospitality, Penang,
”@”@Malaysia. (Oral Present) (ISBN:983-3282-60-1)
12. Huang, L., Chen, C.W. 2006. Developing Performance Measurement
”@”@Model for Tour Guides. International Conference on Tourism.
”@”@JULY 3-4, Athens, Greece. (Oral Present)
13. Huang, L.2006. Multiple Method Approach for Measuring the
”@”@E-Commerce Strategy Performance of SMEs-Travel Agencies.
”@”@Entrepreneurship in United Europe–Challenges and Opportunities
”@”@International Conference, Sunny Beach, Black Sea, Bulgaria, Sep.
14. Huang, L.2008. Exploring the Future of Distribution Channel
”@”@Management for Travel Agency Industry. 15th International
”@”@Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Services
”@”@Science, Zagreb, Croatia, July 14-17.
15. Huang, L., Yung, C-Y, and Yang, E. 2009. The Future Optimal
”@”@Multiple Channel Strategy Model for Taiwan's Travel Agencies:
”@”@Expert and Industry Perspectives. International Conference on
”@”@Hospitality & Leisure Applied Research, Hague, Netherlands,
”@”@July 16-17.
16. Huang, L.2010. How to Use Blog in your Travel Marketing Channel
”@”@Mix. Fourth International Conference on Sustainable Tourism, New
”@”@Forest, UK, July 5 – 7.
17. Huang, L.2011. To Blog or Not to Blog in a Travel Marketing Channel
”@”@Mix, Breaking the Myths. International Conference on
”@”@Tourism: Tourism in a Era of Uncertainty, Greece, April 27–30.
18. Huang, L. and Chuang, C. M. 2012. Realizing Process Innovations
”@”@in the Hotel Industry: Using Value Chain Analysis. The 11th Asia
”@”@Pacific Forum for Graduate Students Research in Tourism, Hong Kong,
”@”@China, May, 22-24.
19. Huang, L. and Chuang, C. M. 2012. Tourists' Traveling Motivation
”@”@and Activity Experienced during the Penghu Fireworks Festival. The
”@”@10th Biennial Asia Tourism Forum, West Java, Indonesia, May, 8-10.
20. Huang, L.2012. Imitation Barriers in The Travel Agency Industry.
”@”@International Conference on Tourism, Greece, May, 23–26.
21. Huang, L. 2013. What is the Barrier-to-Imitation Strategy.
”@”@International Symposium on Business and Social Sciences, Japan,
”@”@March 15–17. (NSC100-2410-H-328-007-MY2)
22. Huang, L. 2014. How to Raise Switching Barrier Strategy in
”@”@E-Travel Agencies. 4th Advances in Hospitality and Tourism
”@”@Marketing & Management Conference, Mauritius, June 25-27.
23. Huang, L. 2014. The Effects of E-Satisfactions and Interpersonal
”@”@Relationships in Switching Barrier Strategy of E-Wholesaler
”@”@Travel Agencies. Annual Conference on Management and Social
”@”@Science, Singapore, August 15-17. (NSC102-2410-H-328-011-MY2)
24. Huang, L. 2015. How to Raise Switching Barrier Strategy Model in
”@”@E-Wholesaler Travel Agencies. ICSSAM International Conference on
”@”@Social Science and Management Annual Conference on Management and
”@”@Social Science, Japan, May 5-9. (NSC102-2410-H-328-011-MY2)
25. Huang, L. 2016. Initial Public Offerings in the Taiwan Travel
”@”@Agencies. International Conference on Tourism Dynamics and Trends,
”@”@Turkey, May 4-7. (MOST 104-2410-H-328 -006 -MY2)
26. Huang, L. 2016. Why Do Travel Agencies Choose to Undergo IPOs?
”@”@Global Hospitality, Tourism Marketing & Management Conference,
”@”@South Korea, July 5-7. (MOST 104-2410-H-328 -006 -MY2)
      Master Thesis”G
Huang, L. 1993. A Study of Franchising Possibility in Travel Agencies Business Strategies in Taiwan, Chinese Culture University, Graduate School of Tourism, Master Degree, Taiwan.
Doctoral Dissertation”G
Huang, L. 2003. The effects of Electronic Commerce on Business Management of Travel Agencies, National Sun Yat-Sen University, College of Management, Ph. D. Taiwan
Professional Book:
1. Huang, L. 1998-2016. The Practice of Tour Manager,
”@”@Taipei: Yang-Chih Book Co., Ltd., the first, second, …N edition.
2. Huang, L. 2003. The Test Book of Travel Management,
”@”@Taipei: Yang-Chih Book Co., Ltd., the first edition.
3 Huang, L. 2007-2016. The Practice of Tour Manager-for operation
”@”@Textbook, Taipei: Yang-Chih Book Co., Ltd., the fourth,…N edition.
4. Huang, L. 2008-2016. The Practice of Travel Product Selling Skills,
”@”@Taipei: Yang-Chih Book Co., Ltd., the second,…N edition..
5. Huang, L. 2008-2016. English for Tour Leader, Taipei: Wu-Nan Book
”@”@Co., Ltd., the second, …N edition..
6. Huang, L. 2010-2016. The Practice of Tour Manager-for License
”@”@Textbook, Taipei: Hwa-Li Book Co., Ltd., the 9th,…N edition.
7. Huang, L. 2011-2016. Case Studies for Tourism & Travel Management,
”@”@Taipei: Wu-Nan Book Co., Ltd., the second,…N edition.

Honors”G 1978, Honor Student of Chi-Yuan Elementary School in Taipei.
1978, Honor Graduate Student of Chi-Yuan Elementary School in Taipei.
1981, Honor Graduate Student of Nan-Men Junior High School in Taipei.
1985, Chinese Culture University, Department of Tourism, in Taipei
”@”@”@the third ranking academic performance in the Department.
1986, Honor Student of Freemasonry Scholarship
1986, Chinese Culture University, Department of Tourism, in Taipei
”@”@”@the first ranking academic performance in the Department.
1987, Chinese Culture University, Department of Tourism, in Taipei
”@”@”@the first ranking academic performance in the Department.
1988, Honor Graduate Student of Chinese Culture University,
”@”@”@Department of Tourism, in Taipei.
1988, ROC Military Service, Lieutenant Position.
1991, Chinese Culture University, Graduate School of Tourism, the
”@”@”@first ranking entry examination performance.
1993, Honor Graduate Student of Chinese Culture University, Graduate
”@”@”@School of Tourism, in Taipei.
1995, Honor Teacher of National Kaohsiung Hospitality College
2000, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Graduate School of Business
”@”@”@Management, Ph. D program the second ranking entry examination
2001, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan
”@”@”@Ph. D. Student Workshop, Oral Present Award.
2001, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Graduate School of Business
”@”@”@Management, Ph. D program, the second ranking academic
”@”@”@performance in the Graduate School.
2002, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Graduate School of Business
”@”@”@Management, Ph. D program, the second ranking academic
”@”@”@performance in the Graduate School.
2003, Honor Graduate Student of National Sun Yat-Sen University,
”@”@”@Graduate School of Business Management, Ph. D program.
”@”@”@(Since 1988 the first graduate student graduated in 2 years
”@”@”@and 8 months)
2003, The Eighth Small and Medium Enterprise Research Contest,
”@”@”@Ph.D. Degree (Sponsor is the Ministry of Economic Affairs, ROC),
”@”@”@the Winner of Doctoral Dissertation.
2004, Tourism Management, (SSCI) Reviewer
2006, Journal of Small Business Management (SSCI) Reviewer
2006, International Journal of Technology Management, (SSCI) Reviewer
2007, European Journal of Operational Research (SCI) Reviewer
2008, The Service Industries Journal (SSCI) Reviewer
2008, Journal of Aanatolia: Reviewer
2008, Tourism Analysis Reviewer
2009, International Journal of Services Technology and Management
2009, International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics
2010, Journal of Hospitality Management and Tourism Reviewer
2010, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Editor

Member -ship”G The Chairman of Chinese Tourism Management Association.
Chinese Culture Tourism Research Development Association.
Certified Travel Counsellors Association R.O.C.
Association of Tour Managers The Republic of China.
The Chinese Society for Quality (CSQ).
Taiwan Leisure and Recreation Association
The Outdoor Recreation Association of ROC